Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 5. Transportation
Subtitle A. Navigation Districts and Port Authorities
Chapter 5007. Port of Houston Authority of Harris County, Texas
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 5007.001. Definitions.
Sec. 5007.002. Creation of District; Validation; Territory.
Sec. 5007.003. Authority to Issue Bonds.
Sec. 5007.004. Grant of Title to Certain Islands and Other Land; Related Powers and Duties; Riparian Landowners; Reservation of Certain State Rights and Powers.
Sec. 5007.005. Rights of Way; Easements.
Sec. 5007.006. Revenue Obligations; Certain Powers; Fees and Charges; Facilities; Taxation Exemption; Refunding Bonds; Certain Bond Provisions.
Sec. 5007.007. Conversion of Authority and Tax Supported Obligations; Certain Powers and Duties; Elections; Refunding Bonds; Maintenance Tax; Assessment of Taxes.
Sec. 5007.008. Refunding of Bonds Heretofore Voted.
Sec. 5007.009. Construction of Chapter.
Sec. 5007.010. Name and Title Changes.