Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 5. Transportation
Subtitle A. Navigation Districts and Port Authorities
Chapter 5007. Port of Houston Authority of Harris County, Texas
Subchapter B. Administration and Planning
Sec. 5007.201. Conflict of Laws.
Sec. 5007.202. Provisions Not Applicable to Authority.
Sec. 5007.204. Governing Body; Appointment; Terms; Vacancy.
Sec. 5007.205. Appointment of Chair; Term.
Sec. 5007.206. Navigation Board.
Sec. 5007.2065. Service On Freight Rail District Board.
Sec. 5007.207. Conflict of Interest.
Sec. 5007.208. Filing of Financial Statement by Port Commissioners.
Sec. 5007.209. Port Commissioner Training.
Sec. 5007.210. Removal from Office.
Sec. 5007.211. Port Commission Policies.
Sec. 5007.212. Executive Director.
Sec. 5007.213. Standards of Conduct; Ethics Policy.
Sec. 5007.214. Ethics Affirmation and Hotline.
Sec. 5007.215. Complaints.
Sec. 5007.216. Public Involvement Policy.
Sec. 5007.217. Whistleblower Policy.
Sec. 5007.218. Expense Policy.
Sec. 5007.219. Promotion and Development Fund.
Sec. 5007.220. Planning Definitions.
Sec. 5007.221. Long-range Planning.
Sec. 5007.222. Mid-range Planning.
Sec. 5007.223. Budget.
Sec. 5007.224. One-year Capital Plan.
Sec. 5007.225. Public Access to Budget and Planning Information.
Sec. 5007.226. Internal Audit.
Sec. 5007.227. Harris County Auditor.
Sec. 5007.228. Acceptance of Gifts.