Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle G. River Authorities
Chapter 8509. Palo Duro Water District
Subchapter C. Board of Directors; Administrative Provisions
Sec. 8509.0101. Composition of Board; Terms.
Sec. 8509.0102. Qualifications for Office.
Sec. 8509.0103. Removal.
Sec. 8509.0104. Vacancy.
Sec. 8509.0105. Officers.
Sec. 8509.0106. Vote by Board President.
Sec. 8509.0107. Employees.
Sec. 8509.0108. Director's and Treasurer's Bonds.
Sec. 8509.0109. Compensation of Directors.
Sec. 8509.0110. Interest in Contract.
Sec. 8509.0111. Director Training Program.
Sec. 8509.0112. Separation of Policymaking and Management Functions.
Sec. 8509.0113. Complaints.
Sec. 8509.0114. Negotiated Rulemaking and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Sec. 8509.0115. Public Comment Policy.
Sec. 8509.0116. Expenditures.
Sec. 8509.0117. Seal.