Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle H. Districts Governing Groundwater
Chapter 8801. Harris-galveston Subsidence District
Subchapter B. District Administration
Sec. 8801.051. Directors.
Sec. 8801.052. Fees of Office; Reimbursement.
Sec. 8801.053. Board Powers and Duties.
Sec. 8801.054. Officers.
Sec. 8801.055. Meetings.
Sec. 8801.0551. Quorum.
Sec. 8801.0552. Sworn Statement, Bond, and Oath of Office.
Sec. 8801.056. Vacancies.
Sec. 8801.057. General Manager.
Sec. 8801.058. Employees; Bond.
Sec. 8801.059. Employee Benefits.
Sec. 8801.060. Expenditures.
Sec. 8801.061. Fiscal Year.
Sec. 8801.062. Annual Audit.
Sec. 8801.063. Annual Budget.
Sec. 8801.064. Depository.
Sec. 8801.065. Investments.
Sec. 8801.066. Investment Officer.