Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle H. Districts Governing Groundwater
Chapter 8814. Sterling County Underground Water Conservation District
Subchapter B. District Administration
Sec. 8814.051. Composition of Board; Terms.
Sec. 8814.052. Election of Directors.
Sec. 8814.053. Election Date.
Sec. 8814.054. Qualifications for Election; Eligibility to Serve.
Sec. 8814.055. Board Vacancy.
Sec. 8814.056. Composition of Board Following Annexation Or Consolidation.
Sec. 8814.057. Compensation; Expenses.
Sec. 8814.058. Vote Required for Official Board Action.
Sec. 8814.059. Officers.
Sec. 8814.060. General Manager; Service of Process.
Sec. 8814.061. Treasurer and Attorney.
Sec. 8814.062. Engineer.
Sec. 8814.063. Personnel.
Sec. 8814.064. District Office.
Sec. 8814.065. Meetings.
Sec. 8814.066. Records.