Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle I. Water Control and Improvement Districts
Chapter 9011. Bell County Water Control And improvement District No. 3
Subchapter B. District Territory and Annexations to District Territory
Sec. 9011.051. District Territory.
Sec. 9011.052. Annexation of Territory by Landowner Petition.
Sec. 9011.053. Petition Requirements.
Sec. 9011.054. Hearing On Petition.
Sec. 9011.055. Notice of Hearing.
Sec. 9011.056. Board Annexation of Territory.
Sec. 9011.057. Ratification Election; Limitation On Assumption of Debt Or Taxes.
Sec. 9011.058. Annexed Territory's Responsibility for District Debt Or Taxes.
Sec. 9011.059. Annexation of Territory in A Municipality.