Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle I. Water Control and Improvement Districts
Chapter 9018. Boling Municipal Water District
Subchapter B. District Territory; Annexation and Exclusion
Sec. 9018.051. District Territory.
Sec. 9018.052. Authority to Annex Or Exclude Territory.
Sec. 9018.053. Petition to Change Boundaries.
Sec. 9018.054. Hearing; Notice.
Sec. 9018.055. Board Approval of Annexation.
Sec. 9018.056. Board Approval of Exclusion.
Sec. 9018.057. Ratification Election; Notice.
Sec. 9018.058. Tax Liability of Excluded Territory; Bonds Outstanding.