Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle I. Water Control and Improvement Districts
Chapter 9023. Duval County Conservation and Reclamation District
Subchapter E. Disannexation of Municipal Territory
Sec. 9023.201. Definition.
Sec. 9023.202. Disannexation of Municipal Territory.
Sec. 9023.203. Petition.
Sec. 9023.204. Election Order.
Sec. 9023.205. Ballot.
Sec. 9023.206. Election.
Sec. 9023.207. Board Vote.
Sec. 9023.208. Appointment of Master.
Sec. 9023.209. Distribution of Property, Receivables, and Other Assets.
Sec. 9023.210. Provision of Services Outside Disannexed Municipal Territory.