Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle K. Seawall Commissions
Chapter 9501. Seawall Commission in Matagorda County
Subchapter B. Commission
Sec. 9501.051. Commission; Terms.
Sec. 9501.052. Appointment of Members; Vacancy.
Sec. 9501.053. Eligibility for Appointment.
Sec. 9501.054. Oath.
Sec. 9501.055. Bond.
Sec. 9501.056. Presiding Officer.
Sec. 9501.057. Compensation; Certified Report.
Sec. 9501.058. Removal from Office.
Sec. 9501.059. Treasurer.
Sec. 9501.060. Auditor.
Sec. 9501.061. Employment of Attorney.