Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle K. Seawall Commissions
Chapter 9502. Gulf Coast Protection District
Subchapter C. Powers and Duties
Sec. 9502.0301. General District Powers.
Sec. 9502.0302. Taxes and Bonds.
Sec. 9502.0303. Requirements for Certain Projects.
Sec. 9502.0304. Acquisition and Disposition of Property and Rights.
Sec. 9502.0305. Costs of Relocation of Property; Easements.
Sec. 9502.0306. Agreements.
Sec. 9502.0307. Contracts Generally.
Sec. 9502.0308. Requirements for Certain Contracts.
Sec. 9502.0309. Conflict with Order Or Action of Another Political Subdivision.
Sec. 9502.0310. Authority to Develop Barrier Closure Procedures.
Sec. 9502.0311. Annual Report Required.
Sec. 9502.0312. Eminent Domain.