Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle X. Districts with Combined Powers
Chapter 11005. Muenster Water District
Subchapter D. Powers and Duties
Sec. 11005.151. District Powers.
Sec. 11005.152. Permits.
Sec. 11005.153. General Authority of Public Agencies and Political Subdivisions to Contract with District.
Sec. 11005.154. District Authority to Contract to Supply Water.
Sec. 11005.155. Sources for Water; Acquisition of Land; Storage Capacity.
Sec. 11005.156. Construction Contracts.
Sec. 11005.157. Conveyance of Land to District.
Sec. 11005.158. Surplus Property.
Sec. 11005.159. Eminent Domain.
Sec. 11005.160. Cost of Relocating Or Altering Property; Rights-of-way and Easements.
Sec. 11005.161. Other District Powers.