Texas Statutes
Special District Local Laws Code
Title 6. Water and Wastewater
Subtitle X. Districts with Combined Powers
Chapter 11006. South Texas Water Authority
Subchapter F. Bonds
Sec. 11006.251. Authority to Issue Bonds.
Sec. 11006.252. Form of Bonds.
Sec. 11006.253. Maturity.
Sec. 11006.254. Election for Bonds Payable from Ad Valorem Taxes.
Sec. 11006.255. Bonds Secured by Revenue; Additional Bonds.
Sec. 11006.256. Bonds Payable from Ad Valorem Taxes.
Sec. 11006.257. Additional Security.
Sec. 11006.258. Trust Indenture.
Sec. 11006.259. Charges for Authority Services.
Sec. 11006.260. Use of Bond Proceeds.
Sec. 11006.261. Appointment of Receiver.
Sec. 11006.262. Refunding Bonds.
Sec. 11006.263. Limitation On Rights of Bondholders.
Sec. 11006.264. Bonds Exempt from Taxation.
Sec. 11006.265. Detachment of Authority Territory After Issuance of Bonds.