Texas Statutes
Tax Code
Title 2. State Taxation
Subtitle B. Enforcement and Collection
Chapter 112. Taxpayers' Suits
Subchapter B. Suit After Protest Payment
Sec. 112.051. Protest Payment Required.
Sec. 112.052. Taxpayer Suit After Payment Under Protest.
Sec. 112.053. Taxpayer Suit: Parties; Issues.
Sec. 112.054. Trial De Novo.
Sec. 112.055. Class Actions.
Sec. 112.056. Additional Protest Payments Before Hearing.
Sec. 112.057. Protest Payments During Appeal.
Sec. 112.058. Submission of Protest Payments to Comptroller.
Sec. 112.059. Disposition of Protest Payments Belonging to the State.
Sec. 112.060. Credit Or Refund.