Texas Statutes
Tax Code
Title 2. State Taxation
Subtitle E. Sales, Excise, and Use Taxes
Chapter 154. Cigarette Tax
Subchapter D. Permits
Sec. 154.101. Permits.
Sec. 154.1015. Sales; Permit Holders and Nonpermit Holders.
Sec. 154.102. Combination Permit.
Sec. 154.107. Denial of Permit.
Sec. 154.110. Issuance of Permit.
Sec. 154.111. Permit Year; Fees.
Sec. 154.1135. Payment for Permits.
Sec. 154.114. Final Suspension Or Revocation of A Permit.
Sec. 154.1141. Summary Suspension of A Permit.
Sec. 154.1145. Hearings.
Sec. 154.116. Comptroller May Refuse to Sell Stamps.
Sec. 154.117. Display of Permit.
Sec. 154.121. Revenue.