Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 3. Aviation
Chapter 22. County and Municipal Airports
Subchapter D. Joint Operations
Sec. 22.071. Definitions.
Sec. 22.072. Joint-action Agreement.
Sec. 22.073. Additional Authorization.
Sec. 22.074. Joint Board.
Sec. 22.0745. Nonconstituent Municipality Representation On Joint Board.
Sec. 22.075. Acquisition of Property by Populous Home-rule Municipalities.
Sec. 22.076. Treatment of Hazardous Waste Prohibited.
Sec. 22.077. Certain Activities Near Airport Boundaries Prohibited.
Sec. 22.078. Intergovernmental Agreement with Political Subdivision.
Sec. 22.0781. Revenue Sharing Agreement with Municipality.
Sec. 22.079. Budget.
Sec. 22.080. Acquisition and Disposal of Property.
Sec. 22.081. Licensing of Vehicles for Hire and Passenger Transportation Services.
Sec. 22.0815. Offense: Unauthorized Ground Transportation.
Sec. 22.082. Rules.
Sec. 22.083. Joint Fund.
Sec. 22.084. Airport Revenue and Revenue Bond Proceeds; Contracting Opportunities for Minority- and Women-owned Businesses.
Sec. 22.085. Insurance.
Sec. 22.086. Acceptance of Credit Cards.
Sec. 22.087. Use of Terminal Facilities by Manufacturers and Concessionaires.
Sec. 22.088. Expenditure of Bond Revenue by Joint Board Without Competitive Bidding.
Sec. 22.089. Airport Revenue of Nonconstituent Municipalities.
Sec. 22.091. Confidentiality of Certain Information Collected by Joint Board.
Sec. 22.092. Airport Security Vehicles.