Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 4. Navigation
Subtitle B. Pilots
Chapter 67. Galveston County Pilots Licensing and Regulatory Act
Subchapter D. Pilotage Rates
Sec. 67.061. Pilotage Rate Change.
Sec. 67.062. Pilotage Rate Change Application.
Sec. 67.063. Objection; Hearing.
Sec. 67.064. Board Action On Application.
Sec. 67.065. Pilot Financial Report.
Sec. 67.066. Factors for Board Consideration.
Sec. 67.067. Board Action.
Sec. 67.068. Reporting and Stenographic Costs.
Sec. 67.069. Order Filed.
Sec. 67.070. Emergency Pilotage Rates.
Sec. 67.071. Pilot Services Required.
Sec. 67.072. Pilotage Rate Liability.
Sec. 67.073. Recovery of Compensation.