Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 5. Railroads
Subtitle I. Special Districts
Chapter 172. Rural Rail Transportation Districts
Subchapter D. General Powers and Duties
Sec. 172.151. General Powers of District; Governmental Functions.
Sec. 172.152. Rules.
Sec. 172.153. Agreements Generally.
Sec. 172.154. Agreements with Other Entities for Joint Use.
Sec. 172.155. Joint Ownership Agreements.
Sec. 172.156. Awarding Construction Or Purchase Contracts.
Sec. 172.157. Eminent Domain.
Sec. 172.1571. Restoration of Certain Expired Eminent Domain Authority.
Sec. 172.158. Disposition of Surplus Property.
Sec. 172.159. Suits.
Sec. 172.160. Perpetual Succession.