Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle A. Texas Department of Transportation
Chapter 201. General Provisions and Administration
Subchapter H. Plans and Projects
Sec. 201.601. Statewide Transportation Plan.
Sec. 201.6011. International Trade Corridor Plan.
Sec. 201.6012. Coordination of Statewide Passenger Rail System.
Sec. 201.6013. Long-term Plan for Statewide Passenger Rail System.
Sec. 201.6015. Integration of Plans and Policy Efforts.
Sec. 201.602. Project Selection Hearings.
Sec. 201.603. Agreement with Other Agencies for Roads.
Sec. 201.6035. Authorization to Participate in Certain Federal Transportation Programs.
Sec. 201.604. Environmental Review.
Sec. 201.606. Property in Endangered Species Habitat.
Sec. 201.607. Environmental, Historical, Or Archeological Memorandum of Understanding.
Sec. 201.608. Projects for Traffic from International Trade.
Sec. 201.609. Notice to Legislators of Completed Projects.
Sec. 201.610. Highway Sound Barriers.
Sec. 201.611. Coordination of Flood Control.
Sec. 201.612. Approval by Commission of Bridge Over Rio Grande.
Sec. 201.613. One-stop Border Inspection Facilities.
Sec. 201.614. Safe Routes to School Program.
Sec. 201.615. Design Considerations.
Sec. 201.616. Annual Report to Legislature On Certain Matters.
Sec. 201.617. Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts.
Sec. 201.618. Hydrogen-fueled Vehicles and Refueling Stations.
Sec. 201.619. Cooperative Planning with Counties.
Sec. 201.620. Coordination with Metropolitan Planning Organizations to Develop Long-term Planning Assumptions.
Sec. 201.621. Motorcyclist Safety and Share the Road Campaign.
Sec. 201.622. Wildfire Emergency Evacuation Route.
Sec. 201.623. I-27 Advisory Committee.
Sec. 201.624. Move Over Or Slow Down Campaign.
Sec. 201.625. Trailer Attachment Campaign.