Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle C. County Roads and Bridges
Chapter 251. General County Authority Relating to Roads and Bridges
Subchapter E. County Traffic Regulations
Sec. 251.151. Authority of Commissioners Court to Regulate Certain Roads.
Sec. 251.152. Public Hearing Required.
Sec. 251.153. Load Limits On County Roads and Bridges.
Sec. 251.154. Maximum Reasonable and Prudent Speeds On County Roads.
Sec. 251.155. Restricted Traffic Zones.
Sec. 251.156. Parking Restrictions.
Sec. 251.157. Prohibiting Or Restricting Use of Road.
Sec. 251.1575. Prohibiting Use of Road for Certain Vehicles.
Sec. 251.158. Temporary Use of County Road for Festival Or CIVIC Event.
Sec. 251.159. Delegation of Commissioners' Authority.
Sec. 251.160. Liability of Owner Or Operator for Road Damage.
Sec. 251.161. Violations of Subchapter; Offense.