Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle C. County Roads and Bridges
Chapter 253. County Improvement of Subdivision Roads
Sec. 253.001. Applicability.
Sec. 253.002. Definition.
Sec. 253.003. Proposal for County Improvement of Subdivision Roads and Assessment of Costs.
Sec. 253.004. Notice.
Sec. 253.005. Public Hearing.
Sec. 253.006. Ballot.
Sec. 253.007. Results of Vote.
Sec. 253.008. Assessment of Costs.
Sec. 253.009. Lien.
Sec. 253.010. Appeal.
Sec. 253.011. Maintenance of Roads.
Sec. 253.012. Roads in Municipalities.