Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle E. Municipal Streets
Chapter 317. Elimination of Grade-level Street Crossings by Railroad Lines in Municipalities with Population of More Than 100,000
Subchapter C. Bonds
Sec. 317.101. Definition.
Sec. 317.102. Authority to Issue Bonds.
Sec. 317.103. Election.
Sec. 317.104. Maturity.
Sec. 317.105. Signatures.
Sec. 317.106. Sale of Bonds.
Sec. 317.107. Contents of Ordinance Authorizing Issuance of Revenue Bonds.
Sec. 317.108. Adoption and Execution of Documents.
Sec. 317.109. Review and Approval of Contracts Relating to Revenue Bonds.
Sec. 317.110. Security for and Payment of Bonds Payable from Revenue.
Sec. 317.111. Use of Certain Proceeds.
Sec. 317.112. Encumbrance As Additional Security.