Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle G. Turnpikes and Toll Projects
Chapter 370. Regional Mobility Authorities
Subchapter K. Design-build Contracts
Sec. 370.401. Scope of and Limitations On Contracts.
Sec. 370.402. Definitions.
Sec. 370.403. Use of Engineer Or Engineering Firm.
Sec. 370.404. Other Professional Services.
Sec. 370.405. Request for Qualifications.
Sec. 370.406. Request for Detailed Proposals.
Sec. 370.407. Negotiation.
Sec. 370.4075. Changes to Design-build Team.
Sec. 370.408. Assumption of Risks.
Sec. 370.409. Stipend Amount for Unsuccessful Proposers.
Sec. 370.410. Performance and Payment Bond.