Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle H. Highway Beautification
Chapter 391. Highway Beautification On Interstate and Primary Systems and Certain Roads
Subchapter B. Regulation of Commercial Signs Generally
Sec. 391.031. Unlawful Commercial Signs; Offense.
Sec. 391.032. Regulation of Commercial Signs in Industrial Or Commercial Area.
Sec. 391.033. Acquisition of Commercial Signs by Commission.
Sec. 391.034. Nuisance; Injunction.
Sec. 391.035. Civil Penalty.
Sec. 391.0355. Administrative Penalty.
Sec. 391.036. Scope of Commission Responsibility.
Sec. 391.038. Sign Height.
Sec. 391.0381. Violations by Certain Persons of Sign Height Provision: Permit Denial.
Sec. 391.039. Spacing Requirements in Certain Municipalities.