Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic
Subtitle B. Driver's Licenses and Personal Identification Cards
Chapter 523. Driver's License Compact of 1993
Sec. 523.001. Enactment.
Sec. 523.002. Findings and Declaration of Policy.
Sec. 523.003. Definitions.
Sec. 523.004. Reports of Convictions.
Sec. 523.005. Effect of Conviction.
Sec. 523.006. Applications for New Licenses.
Sec. 523.007. Applicability of Other Laws.
Sec. 523.008. Compact Administrator and Interchange of Information and Compensation of Expenses.
Sec. 523.009. Effective Date; Withdrawal from Compact.
Sec. 523.010. Rulemaking Authority.
Sec. 523.011. Construction and Severability.