Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic
Subtitle C. Rules of the Road
Chapter 543. Arrest and Prosecution of Violators
Subchapter A. Arrest and Charging Procedures; Notices and Promises to Appear
Sec. 543.001. Arrest Without Warrant Authorized.
Sec. 543.002. Person Arrested to Be Taken Before Magistrate.
Sec. 543.003. Notice to Appear Required: Person Not Taken Before Magistrate.
Sec. 543.004. Notice to Appear Required: Certain Offenses.
Sec. 543.005. Promise to Appear; Release.
Sec. 543.006. Time and Place of Appearance.
Sec. 543.007. Notice to Appear: Commercial Vehicle Or License.
Sec. 543.008. Violation by Officer.
Sec. 543.009. Compliance with Or Violation of Promise to Appear.
Sec. 543.010. Specifications of Speeding Charge.
Sec. 543.011. Persons Licensed by State Department Or Claiming Diplomatic Or Consular Immunity.