Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic
Subtitle C. Rules of the Road
Chapter 552a. Devices Subject to Pedestrian Laws
Subchapter A. Personal Delivery and Mobile Carrying Devices
Sec. 552a.0001. Definitions.
Sec. 552a.0002. Applicable Law.
Sec. 552a.0003. Operator of Personal Delivery Device.
Sec. 552a.0004. Operator of Mobile Carrying Device.
Sec. 552a.0005. Device Operation.
Sec. 552a.0006. Areas and Speeds of Operation.
Sec. 552a.0007. Personal Delivery Device Equipment.
Sec. 552a.0008. Mobile Carrying Device Equipment.
Sec. 552a.0009. Local Authority Regulation.
Sec. 552a.0010. Insurance.