Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic
Subtitle E. Vehicle Size and Weight
Chapter 621. General Provisions Relating to Vehicle Size and Weight
Subchapter F. Enforcement
Sec. 621.401. Definition.
Sec. 621.4015. Designation by Commissioners Court.
Sec. 621.402. Weighing Loaded Vehicle.
Sec. 621.403. Unloading Vehicle If Gross Weight Exceeded.
Sec. 621.404. Unloading Vehicle If Axle Weight Exceeded.
Sec. 621.405. Unloading Exceptions.
Sec. 621.406. Additional Gross Weight Registration.
Sec. 621.407. Forms; Accounting Procedures.
Sec. 621.408. Powers of Weight Enforcement Officers.
Sec. 621.409. Weighing of Loaded Vehicles by Port-of-entry Supervisors, Inspectors, Or Weight Enforcement Officers.
Sec. 621.410. Weight Record.
Sec. 621.411. Joint Operation of Certain Fixed-site Facilities.