Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic
Subtitle E. Vehicle Size and Weight
Chapter 622. Special Provisions and Exceptions for Oversize Or Overweight Vehicles
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Subchapter B. Vehicles Transporting Ready-mixed Concrete
Subchapter C. Vehicles Transporting Milk
Subchapter D. Vehicles Transporting Timber Or Timber Products
Subchapter E. Vehicles Transporting Electric Power Transmission Poles
Subchapter F. Vehicles Transporting Poles Or Pipe
Subchapter G. Special Mobile Equipment
Subchapter I. Vehicles Transporting Certain Agricultural Products Or Equipment
Subchapter J. Certain Vehicles Transporting Recyclable Materials
Subchapter K. Automobile Transporters
Subchapter Y. Miscellaneous Size Exceptions
Subchapter Z. Miscellaneous Weight Exceptions