Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic
Subtitle E. Vehicle Size and Weight
Chapter 623. Permits for Oversize Or Overweight Vehicles
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Subchapter B. General Permits
Subchapter C. Contracts for Crossing Roads
Subchapter D. Heavy Equipment
Subchapter E. Manufactured and Industrialized Housing
Subchapter F. Portable Building Units
Subchapter G. Oil Well Servicing and Drilling Machinery
Subchapter H. Vehicles Transporting Solid Waste
Subchapter I. Unladen Lift Equipment Motor Vehicles; Annual Permit
Subchapter J. Unladen Lift Equipment Motor Vehicles; Trip Permits
Subchapter K. Port Authority Permits
Subchapter L. Victoria County Navigation District Permits
Subchapter M. Chambers County Permits
Subchapter N. Administrative Sanctions
Subchapter O. Port of Corpus Christi Authority Roadway Permits
Subchapter P. Port of Corpus Christi Authority Permits
Subchapter Q. Vehicles Transporting Timber
Subchapter R. Permit to Deliver Relief Supplies During National Emergency
Subchapter S. Regional Mobility Authority Permits
Subchapter T. Webb County Permits
Subchapter U. Intermodal Shipping Containers
Subchapter V. Vehicles Transporting Fluid Milk