Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle B. Electric Utilities text of Chapter Effective On Voter Approval of S.j.r. 93, 88th Leg., R.s.
Chapter 34. Facility Funding
Subchapter A. Texas Energy Fund; Grants and Loans
Sec. 34.0101. Definitions.
Sec. 34.0102. Fund.
Sec. 34.0103. Grants for Facilities Outside Ercot Power Region.
Sec. 34.0104. Loans for Ercot Power Region.
Sec. 34.0105. Completion Bonus Grants.
Sec. 34.0106. Loan and Grant Restrictions.
Sec. 34.0107. Management and Investment of Fund.
Sec. 34.0108. Receivership of Default Generating Facility.
Sec. 34.0109. Texas Energy Fund Advisory Committee.
Sec. 34.0110. Rules.