Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle C. Telecommunications Utilities
Chapter 53. Rates
Subchapter C. General Procedures for Rate Change Proposed by Utility
Sec. 53.101. Definition.
Sec. 53.102. Statement of Intent to Change Rates.
Sec. 53.103. Notice of Intent to Change Rates.
Sec. 53.104. Early Effective Date of Rate Change.
Sec. 53.105. Determination of Propriety of Change; Hearing.
Sec. 53.106. Regional Hearing.
Sec. 53.107. Preference to Hearing.
Sec. 53.108. Rate Suspension; Deadline.
Sec. 53.109. Temporary Rates.
Sec. 53.110. Bonded Rates.
Sec. 53.111. Establishment of Final Rates.
Sec. 53.112. Expiration of Suspension; Effect On Certain Rates.
Sec. 53.113. Fcc-approved Tariffs for Switched-access Service.