Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle C. Telecommunications Utilities
Chapter 55. Regulation of Telecommunications Services
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 55.001. General Standard.
Sec. 55.002. Commission Authority Concerning Standards.
Sec. 55.003. Rule Or Standard.
Sec. 55.004. Local Exchange Company Rule Or Practice Change.
Sec. 55.005. Unreasonable Preference Or Prejudice Concerning Service Prohibited.
Sec. 55.006. Discrimination and Restriction On Competition.
Sec. 55.007. Minimum Services.
Sec. 55.008. Improvements in Service; Interconnecting Service.
Sec. 55.009. Intralata Calls.
Sec. 55.010. Billing for Service to the State.
Sec. 55.011. Notice of Identity of Interexchange Carrier.
Sec. 55.013. Limitations On Discontinuance of Basic Local Telecommunications Service.
Sec. 55.014. Provision of Advanced Telecommunications Services.
Sec. 55.015. Lifeline Service.
Sec. 55.016. Telecommunications Billing.
Sec. 55.017. Identification Required.