Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle C. Telecommunications Utilities
Chapter 55. Regulation of Telecommunications Services
Subchapter F. Automatic Dial Announcing Devices
Sec. 55.121. Definitions.
Sec. 55.122. Exemptions.
Sec. 55.1225. Applicability.
Sec. 55.123. Notice of Use of Device to Telecommunications Utility.
Sec. 55.124. Random Or Sequential Number Calling.
Sec. 55.125. Hours When Use Prohibited.
Sec. 55.126. Device Disconnection.
Sec. 55.127. Contents of Recorded Message.
Sec. 55.128. Duration of Recorded Message.
Sec. 55.129. Permit Required.
Sec. 55.130. Permit.
Sec. 55.131. Permit Fee.
Sec. 55.132. Notification of Change.
Sec. 55.133. Notification of Local Exchange Company.
Sec. 55.134. Complaints and Enforcement.
Sec. 55.135. Revocation of Permit.
Sec. 55.136. Disconnection of Service.
Sec. 55.137. Administrative Penalty.
Sec. 55.138. Criminal Penalty.