Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle C. Telecommunications Utilities
Chapter 56. Telecommunications Assistance and Universal Service Fund
Subchapter B. Universal Service Fund
Sec. 56.021. Universal Service Fund Established.
Sec. 56.022. Uniform Charge.
Sec. 56.023. Commission Powers and Duties.
Sec. 56.0231. Support Expired.
Sec. 56.0232. Support Relinquished.
Sec. 56.024. Reports; Confidentiality.
Sec. 56.025. Maintenance of Rates and Expansion of Fund for Certain Companies.
Sec. 56.026. Prompt and Efficient Disbursements.
Sec. 56.028. Universal Service Fund Reimbursement for Certain Intralata Service.
Sec. 56.030. Affidavits of Compliance.
Sec. 56.031. Adjustments: Texas High Cost Universal Service Plan.
Sec. 56.032. Adjustments: Small and Rural Incumbent Local Exchange Company Universal Service Plan.
Sec. 56.033. Support Available to Deregulated Markets.