Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle C. Telecommunications Utilities
Chapter 66. State-issued Cable and Video Franchise
Sec. 66.001. Franchising Authority.
Sec. 66.002. Definitions.
Sec. 66.003. State Authorization to Provide Cable Service Or Video Service.
Sec. 66.004. Eligibility for Commission-issued Franchise.
Sec. 66.005. Franchise Fee.
Sec. 66.006. In-kind Contributions to Municipality.
Sec. 66.007. Build-out.
Sec. 66.008. Customer Service Standards.
Sec. 66.009. Public, Educational, and Governmental Access Channels.
Sec. 66.010. Nondiscrimination by Municipality.
Sec. 66.011. Municipal Police Power; Other Authority.
Sec. 66.012. Indemnity in Connection with Right-of-way; Notice of Liability.
Sec. 66.013. Municipal Authority.
Sec. 66.014. Discrimination Prohibited.
Sec. 66.015. Compliance.
Sec. 66.016. Applicability of Other Laws.