Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 3. Gas Regulation
Subtitle A. Gas Utility Regulatory Act
Chapter 104. Rates and Services
Subchapter I. Customer Rate Relief Bonds
Sec. 104.361. Purpose; Railroad Commission Duty.
Sec. 104.362. Definitions.
Sec. 104.363. Extraordinary Costs.
Sec. 104.364. Jurisdiction and Powers of Railroad Commission and Other Regulatory Authorities.
Sec. 104.365. Regulatory Asset Determination.
Sec. 104.366. Financing Orders and Issuance of Customer Rate Relief Bonds.
Sec. 104.367. Property Rights.
Sec. 104.368. Property Interest Not Subject to Setoff, Counterclaim, Surcharge, Or Defense.
Sec. 104.369. Customer Rate Relief Charges Nonbypassable.
Sec. 104.370. True-up Mechanism.
Sec. 104.371. Security Interests; Assignment; Commingling; Default.
Sec. 104.372. Bond Proceeds in Trust.
Sec. 104.373. Repayment of Customer Rate Relief Bonds.
Sec. 104.374. Pledge of State.
Sec. 104.375. Tax Exemption.
Sec. 104.376. Recoverable Tax Expense.
Sec. 104.377. Issuing Financing Entity Or Financing Party Not Public Utility.
Sec. 104.378. No Personal Liability.
Sec. 104.380. Severability.