Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 5. Provisions Affecting the Operation of Utility Facilities
Chapter 251. Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety
Subchapter D. Requirements Relating to Excavation
Sec. 251.151. Duty of An Excavator.
Sec. 251.152. Information Included in Notice.
Sec. 251.153. Duty of Notification Center.
Sec. 251.154. Notification by An Excavator.
Sec. 251.155. Exception in Case of Emergency; Offense.
Sec. 251.156. Other Exceptions to Duty of Excavators.
Sec. 251.157. Duty of Operator to Person Excavating.
Sec. 251.158. Duty of Operator in Event of An Extraordinary Circumstance.
Sec. 251.159. Excavation Damage.