Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 2. Water Administration
Subtitle D. Water Quality Control
Chapter 27. Injection Wells
Subchapter D. Issuance of Permits: Terms and Conditions
Sec. 27.051. Issuance of Permit.
Sec. 27.0511. Conditions of Certain Permits.
Sec. 27.0513. Area Permits and Production Areas for Uranium Mining.
Sec. 27.0515. Facilities Required to Obtain Federal Approval.
Sec. 27.0516. Permits for Injection Wells That Transect Or Terminate in Portion of Edwards Aquifer Within External Boundaries of Barton Springs-edwards Aquifer Conservation District.
Sec. 27.052. Copies of Permit; Filing Requirements.
Sec. 27.053. Record of Strata.
Sec. 27.054. Electric Or Drilling Log.
Sec. 27.055. Casing Requirements.
Sec. 27.056. Factors in Setting Casing Depth.