Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 2. Water Administration
Subtitle E. Groundwater Management
Chapter 36. Groundwater Conservation Districts
Subchapter D. Powers and Duties
Sec. 36.101. Rulemaking Power.
Sec. 36.1011. Emergency Rules.
Sec. 36.1015. Rules for Permits in Brackish Groundwater Production Zones.
Sec. 36.102. Enforcement of Rules.
Sec. 36.1025. Petition to Change Rules.
Sec. 36.103. Improvements and Facilities.
Sec. 36.104. Purchase, Sale, Transportation, and Distribution of Water.
Sec. 36.105. Eminent Domain.
Sec. 36.106. Surveys.
Sec. 36.107. Research.
Sec. 36.1071. Management Plan.
Sec. 36.1072. Texas Water Development Board Review and Approval of Management Plan.
Sec. 36.1073. Amendment to Management Plan.
Sec. 36.108. Joint Planning in Management Area.
Sec. 36.1081. Technical Staff and Subcommittees for Joint Planning.
Sec. 36.1083. Appeal of Desired Future Conditions.
Sec. 36.10835. Judicial Appeal of Desired Future Conditions.
Sec. 36.1084. Modeled Available Groundwater.
Sec. 36.1085. Management Plan Goals and Objectives.
Sec. 36.1086. Joint Efforts by Districts in A Management Area.
Sec. 36.109. Collection of Information.
Sec. 36.110. Publication of Plans and Information.
Sec. 36.111. Records and Reports.
Sec. 36.112. Drillers' Logs.
Sec. 36.113. Permits for Wells; Permit Amendments.
Sec. 36.1131. Elements of Permit.
Sec. 36.1132. Permits Based On Modeled Available Groundwater.
Sec. 36.114. Permit; Permit Amendment; Application and Hearing.
Sec. 36.1145. Operating Permit Renewal.
Sec. 36.1146. Change in Operating Permits.
Sec. 36.115. Drilling Or Altering Well Without Permit.
Sec. 36.116. Regulation of Spacing and Production.
Sec. 36.117. Exemptions; Exception; Limitations.
Sec. 36.118. Open Or Uncovered Wells.
Sec. 36.119. Illegal Drilling and Operation of Well; Citizen Suit.
Sec. 36.120. Information.
Sec. 36.121. Limitation On Rulemaking Power of Districts Over Wells in Certain Counties.
Sec. 36.122. Transfer of Groundwater Out of District.
Sec. 36.123. Right to Enter Land.
Sec. 36.124. District Act Or Proceeding Presumed Valid.