Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 49. Provisions Applicable to All Districts
Subchapter D. Election Provisions
Sec. 49.101. General.
Sec. 49.102. Confirmation and Director Election.
Sec. 49.1025. Qualified Voters in Confirmation Election.
Sec. 49.103. Terms of Office of Directors.
Sec. 49.104. Alternative Election Procedures.
Sec. 49.1045. Certification of Election Results in Less Populous Districts.
Sec. 49.105. Vacancies.
Sec. 49.106. Bond Elections.
Sec. 49.107. Operation and Maintenance Tax.
Sec. 49.108. Contract Elections.
Sec. 49.109. Agent During Election Period.
Sec. 49.110. Election Judge.
Sec. 49.111. Exemptions from Use of Accessible Voting Systems.
Sec. 49.112. Cancellation of Election; Removal of Ballot Measure.
Sec. 49.113. Notice for Filing for Place On Ballot.