Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 55. Water Improvement Districts
Subchapter D. Powers and Duties
Sec. 55.161. Purposes of District.
Sec. 55.163. Improvements: Purchase Or Construction.
Sec. 55.165. Drainage Ditches: Levees.
Sec. 55.166. Constructing Bridges and Culverts Across and Over County and Public Roads.
Sec. 55.167. Constructing Culverts and Bridges Across and Under Railroad Tracks and Roadways.
Sec. 55.185. Contract with the United States.
Sec. 55.186. Payments Made by A District Under A Contract with the United States.
Sec. 55.187. District As Fiscal Agent for United States.
Sec. 55.188. Conveying Property to the United States.
Sec. 55.192. Acquiring Water Rights.
Sec. 55.193. Selling Water Rights.
Sec. 55.194. Transfer of Water Right.
Sec. 55.195. Supplying Water to Cities Outside the District.
Sec. 55.196. Selling Waterpower Privileges.
Sec. 55.197. Selling Surplus Water.
Sec. 55.198. Pumping and Delivering Water to Land Near District.
Sec. 55.200. Sale of Land Acquired by A District for Other Than District Purposes.
Sec. 55.201. Use of Excess District Money.
Sec. 55.202. Board's Semiannual Report.
Sec. 55.204. Waiver of District Tort Immunity.