Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 56. Drainage Districts
Subchapter B. Creation of District; Conversion to Article Xvi, Section 59, District
Sec. 56.011. Creation of District.
Sec. 56.012. Name of Each District.
Sec. 56.013. Area Included in A District.
Sec. 56.014. Petition.
Sec. 56.015. Deposit.
Sec. 56.016. Time of Hearing.
Sec. 56.017. Notice.
Sec. 56.018. Hearing On the Petition.
Sec. 56.019. Findings.
Sec. 56.020. Engineer.
Sec. 56.021. Engineer's Bond.
Sec. 56.022. Survey and Preliminary Plans.
Sec. 56.023. Map.
Sec. 56.024. Hearing On Preliminary Report.
Sec. 56.025. Changing the Preliminary Report.
Sec. 56.026. Adopting the Preliminary Report.
Sec. 56.032. Authorizing Existing Districts to Operate Under Article Xvi, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution.
Sec. 56.033. Alternate Procedure for Creation.