Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 58. Irrigation Districts
Subchapter O. Dissolution of District
Sec. 58.781. Dissolution of District Prior to Issuance of Bonds.
Sec. 58.782. Notice of Hearing.
Sec. 58.783. Hearing.
Sec. 58.784. Board's Order to Continue Or Dissolve District.
Sec. 58.785. Judicial Review of Board's Order.
Sec. 58.786. Appointment of Trustee.
Sec. 58.787. Discharge of District's Obligations by Trustees.
Sec. 58.788. Discharge of Trustee.
Sec. 58.789. Final Order of Dissolution.
Sec. 58.790. Water Rights of Dissolved District.
Sec. 58.791. Taxes in Excess of District's Obligations.
Sec. 58.793. Dissolution of District for Failure to Complete Plant.
Sec. 58.794. Resolution to Dissolve District.
Sec. 58.795. Statements of Indebtedness and Expenses.
Sec. 58.796. Election to Approve Dissolution of District and Issuance of Dissolution Bonds.
Sec. 58.797. Maximum Amount, Interest Rate, and Maturity of Bonds.
Sec. 58.798. Notice of Election.
Sec. 58.799. Procedure for Holding Election.
Sec. 58.800. Issuance and Sale of Dissolution Bonds.
Sec. 58.801. Destroying Unsold Bonds.
Sec. 58.802. Board's Authority to Contract.
Sec. 58.803. Tax to Pay Dissolution Bonds.
Sec. 58.804. Determining Amount of Tax.
Sec. 58.805. Payment of Tax.
Sec. 58.806. Advance Payment of Taxes in Cash.
Sec. 58.807. Computing Amount of Advance Cash Payment.
Sec. 58.808. Surrender of Bonds in Payment of Taxes.
Sec. 58.809. Computing Amount of Payment Made by Surrendering Bonds.
Sec. 58.810. Use by Trustee of Advance Payments of Tax.
Sec. 58.811. Approval and Registration of Dissolution Bonds.
Sec. 58.812. Preparing Tax Roll.
Sec. 58.814. Notice of Meeting As Board of Equalization.
Sec. 58.815. Meeting As Board of Equalization.
Sec. 58.816. Authority and Procedure As Board of Equalization.
Sec. 58.817. Approving Tax Roll.
Sec. 58.818. Approved Tax Roll Not Subject to Revision.
Sec. 58.820. Collection of Dissolution Taxes.
Sec. 58.821. Appointment of Trustee.
Sec. 58.822. Authority of the Trustee.
Sec. 58.825. Default in Payment of Tax Installment.
Sec. 58.826. Penalty and Attorney's Fee.
Sec. 58.827. Discharge of Lien.
Sec. 58.828. District Considered Dissolved.
Sec. 58.829. Dissolution of District in Counties of Less Than 11,000 Population.
Sec. 58.830. Petition for Dissolution of District.
Sec. 58.831. Signatures On Petition.
Sec. 58.832. Procedure for Holding Election.
Sec. 58.833. Election in District Including City, Town, Or Municipal Corporation.
Sec. 58.834. Subsequent Election.
Sec. 58.835. District Dissolved.
Sec. 58.836. Taxes to Pay Indebtedness After Dissolution.