Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 61. Article Iii, Section 52, Navigation Districts
Subchapter B. Creation of District
Sec. 61.021. Creation.
Sec. 61.022. Area Included in District.
Sec. 61.023. District May Include Road District.
Sec. 61.024. Petition to Create Single-county District.
Sec. 61.025. Petition to Create District in Two Counties.
Sec. 61.026. Deposit.
Sec. 61.027. Hearing.
Sec. 61.028. Notice of Hearing.
Sec. 61.029. Hearing by Board.
Sec. 61.030. Conduct of Hearing.
Sec. 61.031. Findings.
Sec. 61.032. Providing Funds for Proposed Improvements.
Sec. 61.033. Election Order.
Sec. 61.034. Elections.
Sec. 61.035. Ballots.
Sec. 61.036. Declaration of Result.