Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 61. Article Iii, Section 52, Navigation Districts
Subchapter E. Port Facilities
Sec. 61.151. Authority to Operate and Develop Port Facilities.
Sec. 61.152. Petition.
Sec. 61.153. Hearing: Testimony.
Sec. 61.154. Election Order.
Sec. 61.155. Ballots.
Sec. 61.156. Election Expense.
Sec. 61.157. Declaration of Results.
Sec. 61.158. Appointment of Commissioners.
Sec. 61.159. Term of Office: Removal: Succession.
Sec. 61.160. Qualifications; Compensation; Authority.
Sec. 61.161. Eminent Domain.
Sec. 61.162. Lease and Rental of Facilities.
Sec. 61.163. Unimproved Land.
Sec. 61.164. Franchises.
Sec. 61.165. Franchise Election.
Sec. 61.166. Ballots.
Sec. 61.167. Election Result.
Sec. 61.168. Petition Protesting Franchise.
Sec. 61.169. Contracts.
Sec. 61.170. Authority to Incur Debt.
Sec. 61.171. Bonds.
Sec. 61.172. Financing Purchases.
Sec. 61.173. Election On the Purchase of Facilities.
Sec. 61.174. Employees; County Auditor, Duties and Compensation.
Sec. 61.175. Powers.
Sec. 61.176. City Police Powers.