Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 62. Article Xvi, Section 59, Navigation Districts
Subchapter B. Creation of District
Sec. 62.021. Creation of District.
Sec. 62.022. Composition.
Sec. 62.023. Petition.
Sec. 62.024. Deposit.
Sec. 62.025. Date of Hearing.
Sec. 62.026. Hearing Before the Board.
Sec. 62.027. Notice of Hearing.
Sec. 62.028. Hearing On Petition.
Sec. 62.029. Findings.
Sec. 62.030. Election Order.
Sec. 62.031. Notice of Election.
Sec. 62.032. Ballot.
Sec. 62.033. Conduct of Election.
Sec. 62.034. Canvass of Returns.
Sec. 62.035. Declaration of Result.
Sec. 62.036. Expenses.