Texas Statutes
Water Code
Title 4. General Law Districts
Chapter 65. Special Utility Districts
Subchapter B. Creation of District; Conversion of District
Sec. 65.011. Creation of District.
Sec. 65.012. Purposes of District.
Sec. 65.013. Composition of District.
Sec. 65.014. Certified Resolution Seeking Creation of District.
Sec. 65.015. Contents of Resolution.
Sec. 65.016. Consent of City.
Sec. 65.018. Notice and Hearing On District Creation.
Sec. 65.020. Hearing.
Sec. 65.021. Granting Or Refusing Creation of District.
Sec. 65.022. Temporary Directors.
Sec. 65.023. Appeal from Order of Commission.