In addition to other procedures listed in Part 2 of this title (relating to Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services), people with disabilities, parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities, and other citizens have the opportunity to:
(1) voice concerns through public representation on DARS committees, councils, and boards;
(2) attend and make public comments at public meetings (notices of all public meetings and agenda items are published in the Texas Register);
(3) comment on all proposed rules; and
(4) submit a petition requesting the adoption of rules.
(A) All petitions proposing the adoption of DARS rules shall be submitted in writing to the DARS commissioner. The petition must contain the following:
(i) the text of the proposed rule prepared in a manner to indicate the words to be added or deleted from the current text, if any;
(ii) a statement of the statutory or other authority under which the rule is to be promulgated; and
(iii) the public benefits anticipated as a result of adopting the rule or the anticipated implications that could result from the failure to adopt the proposed rule.
(B) DARS staff members review the requests and present recommendations to DARS for action.
Source Note: The provisions of this §101.107 adopted to be effective March 12, 2012, 37 TexReg 1713