(a) After the date the initial stack test and continuous emission monitoring system evaluation are required or completed (whichever is earlier), you must meet the applicable emission limits specified in the four tables of this division:
(1) For Class I units, see Tables 2 and 3 in §113.2174 of this title (relating to Tables Relating to Division 3).
(2) For Class II units, see Table 4 in §113.2174 of this title.
(3) For carbon monoxide emission limits for both classes of units, see Table 5 in §113.2174 of this title.
(b) If your Class I municipal waste combustion unit began construction, reconstruction, or modification after June 26, 1987, then you must comply with the dioxins/furans and mercury emission limits specified in Table 2 in §113.2174 of this title as applicable by the later of the following two dates:
(1) One year after the effective date of state plan approval.
(2) One year after the issuance of a revised construction or operating permit, if a permit modification is required. Final compliance with the dioxins/furans limits must be achieved no later than December 6, 2005, even if the date 1 year after the issuance of a revised construction or operating permit is later than December 6, 2005.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2125 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771