(a) When granting a preauthorization exemption, an issuer must provide notice to the physician or provider, consistent with Insurance Code §4201.659(d), concerning Effect of Preauthorization Exemption. The notice must include a plain language explanation of the effect of the preauthorization exemption and any claim coding guidance needed to document the preauthorization exemption, consistent with §19.1731(e) of this title (relating to Preauthorization Exemption). The exemption begins on the date the notice is issued and must be in place for at least six months before it may be rescinded. If an issuer subsequently receives a preauthorization request from the physician or provider for a particular health care service for which an exemption has been granted, the issuer must provide a notice consistent with Insurance Code §4201.659(e).
(b) When denying a preauthorization exemption, an issuer must provide notice to the physician or provider that demonstrates that the physician or provider does not meet the criteria for a preauthorization exemption, consistent with Insurance Code §4201.655(c)(2), concerning Denial or Rescission of Preauthorization Exemption; a description of how to appeal the denial using the issuer's complaints and appeals processes; and information on how to file a complaint with the department.
(c) After completing an evaluation as defined under §19.1730(4)(A) of this title (relating to Definitions), an issuer must provide a notice granting or denying a preauthorization exemption within five days. For the initial evaluation period of January 1 through June 30, 2022, an issuer must provide notice granting or denying a preauthorization exemption no later than October 1, 2022. For subsequent evaluation periods during which a physician or provider does not have a preauthorization exemption, an issuer must provide notice to the physician or provider granting or denying a preauthorization exemption no later than two months following the day after the end of the evaluation period. Notice need only be provided for a particular health care service if the issuer was able to complete an evaluation of at least five eligible preauthorization requests, as provided in §19.1731(b) of this title.
(d) When rescinding a preauthorization exemption, an issuer must provide notice to the physician or provider, consistent with Insurance Code §4201.655(a)(3). Notice of the rescission must be provided during the months specified in Insurance Code §4201.655(a)(1). The notice must include the following (a sample form LHL011 is available on TDI's website):
(1) an identification of the health care service for which a preauthorization exemption is being rescinded, the date the notice is issued, and the date the rescission is effective, consistent with Insurance Code §4201.654, concerning Duration of Preauthorization Exemption;
(2) a plain language explanation of how the physician or provider may appeal and seek an independent review of the determination, the date the notice is issued, and the company's address and contact information for returning the form by mail or electronic means to request an appeal;
(3) a statement of the total number of payable claims submitted by or in connection with the physician or provider during the most recent evaluation period that were eligible to be evaluated with respect to the health care service subject to rescission, the number of claims included in the random sample, and the sample information used to make the determination, including:
(A) identification of each claim included in the random sample;
(B) the issuer's determination of whether each claim met the issuer's screening criteria; and
(C) for any claim determined to not have met the issuer's screening criteria:
(i) the principal reasons for the determination that the claim did not meet the issuer's screening criteria, including, if applicable, a statement that the determination was based on a failure to submit specified medical records;
(ii) the clinical basis for the determination that the claim did not meet the issuer's screening criteria;
(iii) a description of the sources of the screening criteria that were used as guidelines in making the determination; and
(iv) the professional specialty of the physician, doctor, or other health care provider who made the determination;
(4) a space to be filled out by the physician or provider that includes:
(A) the name, address, contact information, and identification number of the physician or provider requesting an independent review;
(B) an indication of whether the physician or provider is requesting that the independent review organization review the same random sample or a different random sample of claims, if available; and
(C) the date the appeal is being requested; and
(5) an instruction for the physician or provider to return the form to the issuer before the date the rescission becomes effective and to include applicable medical records for any determination that was based on a failure to provide medical records.
(e) An issuer must allow physicians and providers to designate an email address or a mailing address for communications regarding preauthorization exemptions, denials, and rescissions. An issuer must provide an option for physicians and providers to submit a request for appeal by mail or by email or other electronic method. Issuers must include an explanation of how the physician or provider may update their preferred contact information and delivery method on all communications issued under this section and on the website required under §19.1718(j) of this title (relating to Preauthorization for Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred Provider Benefit Plans).
Source Note: The provisions of this §19.1732 adopted to be effective September 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 5120